Installation and dependencies

Path2Insight is available on Pypi. This make it possible to install it with through:

pip install path2insight

To upgrade path2insight use

pip install --upgrade path2insight

It is also possible to install from source:

python install

Path2Insight is available for 3.6+. Path2Insight depends heavily on the pathlib module. This module is part of Python 3.4 or higher.

Some of the submodules of Path2Insight depend on other Python packages (numpy, pandas, sklearn, scipy, jellyfish). One can get a full installation by installing the packages in the requirements-full.txt file.

pip install -r requirements-full.txt


The documentation for Path2Insight is available on readthedocs. To generate the docs by yourself, install the following packages (available on pip):

  • sphinx
  • sphinx_rtd_theme
  • nbsphinx
pip install -r docs/requirements-docs.txt

Navigate to the docs/ folder and call make html or make pdf for a pdf version.

Development and Testing

Clone/fork the latest version of the Path2Insight from Github.

git clone

Install the module in the development mode.

python develop

Path2Insight makes use of PyTest for unit testing. Run the tests with the command:
